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Table 1 Means and proportion of characteristics (n = 130)

From: Developing a Japanese version of the Injustice Experience Questionnaire-chronic and the contribution of perceived injustice to severity of menstrual pain: a web-based cross-sectional study

Age, year (SD)

33 (7.8)

Body mass index ≥25

16 (12.3)

Irregular menstruation, n (%)

15 (11.5)

Diagnosed as endometriosis, n (%)

6 (4.6)

Hormone drug usage, n (%)

10 (7.7)

Analgesic medicine usage, n (%)

72 (55.4)

IEQ-chr-J (SD)

14.2 (13.0) /48


20.9 (14.5) /52

HADS anxiety (SD)

7.7 (4.5) /21

HADS depression (SD)

7.3 (4.9) /21

Maximum menstrual pain intensity (SD)

6.5 (2.3) /10

Average menstrual pain intensity (SD)

5.7 (2.2) /10

Impairment due to menstrual pain (SD)

5.1 (2.5) /7

  1. SD Standard deviation, IEQ-chr-J Japanese version of Injustice Experience Questionnaire-chronic, PCS Pain Catastrophizing Scale, HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale