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Archived Comments for: Respiratory function of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and caregiver distress level: a correlational study

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  1. Human Pheromone Explanation

    B Nicholson, google books

    28 January 2016

    Immunity recognizes by smell at the cellular, organ, and organism levels. ALS is an immune disease. Distress in a small hunter-gatherer community (such as from hunger) would trigger mechanisms to conserve productive and delay reproductive resources. In animal communities, this is done by species-specific pheromones. An anxious mouse dam emits pheromone to delay puberty in offspring, for example. Accordingly, ALS responding to caregiver distress strongly suggests that this disease is readily influenced by human pheromones emitted from one or more of the large, active pheromone-producing scent glands of the caregiver. The axillary apocrine glands, among the largest and most active of any species, emit pheromone in distress.
    That would mean that human axillary pheromone alone could trigger diminished respiration measures. And suggests that removal of distressed care-givers from the immediate breathed air environment of ALS patients would improve those measures of respiration, and likely improve survival. Moreover, unidentified pheromones associated with human happiness should improve ALS symptoms. What might such unidentified pheromones be? Human facial skin surface lipid obtained by kissing (NIcholson, B. Bri. J. Dermatol. 111) should be tested to observe beneficial effects. In addition, air bourn pheromones emitted from happy people, such as from celebrations, may also have positive effect on ALS.
    Furthermore, if ALS is caused by "anger pheromone", a postulated human pheromone of the scalp or beard of angry people (strongly suggested by animal studies of aggression pheromones and from the natural history of most autoimmune illnesses), then supplying the human facial skin surface lipid p.o. and the "happy pheromones" in the atmosphere should stave off death in ALS patients.
    Finally, epigenetic chemotherapy (i.v. administration of low-dose chemotherapies associated with DNA clearing of epigenetic markers) with the "happy pheromones" of the human face (kissing pheromone) and human celebrations might alleviate the disease entirely.
    This may seem a trivial approach, but so seen was boiling water against cholera, recall. Certainly, measurable, identifiable chemicals of the skin and scent glands of human beings should be tried before surgeries, before psychoanalyses, before anti-biotic therapies that have failed repeatedly for generations now.

    Competing interests

    Exocrinology the Science of Love by B. Nicholson (2011). Amazon digital books
