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Table 2 Case 1

From: A prospective study of the psychobehavioral factors responsible for a change from non-patient irritable bowel syndrome to IBS patient status

Symptoms: Beginning in the sixth month, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, feeling of residual stool, and sense of abdominal fullness which are relieved with bowel movement and/or caused by changes in bowel movement.

Age 24, Female

Stool frequency: 4 times/day

Stool consistency: Watery

Psychological problems: Has anxiety/tension in the company with a little increase in missed workdays due to abdominal pain.

Predictive value = - 0.475 (Daily hassles) + 0.477 (Cognitive appraisal of effect and threat) + 0.316 (Sleeping time) - 0.178 (Task-Oriented Coping) + 0.210 (Regularity of diets) + 0.173 (Avoidance-Oriented Coping) - 0.143 (Psychologically abused) = 0.380

Positive predictive value of 0.380, suggesting high risk of developing IBS.