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Table 2 Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for referral for consultation–liaison psychiatry service, by history of COVID-19 Vaccination adjusted for factors in four models

From: The relation between vaccination status and referral to a consultation–liaison psychiatry service for hospitalized patients with COVID-19

COVID-19 vaccination

Number of consultation–liaison cases / patients

Model 1

Model 2

Model 3

Model 4

(Adjusted for sex and age)

(Model 1 + clinical parameters)

(Model 2 + therapeutic factors)

(Adjusted for factors significant in Model3)

aOR (95%CI)

aOR (95%CI)

aOR (95% CI)

aOR (95% CI)


3 / 109

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)

1.00 (Reference)


73 / 422

7.78 (2.40–25.24)

7.54 (2.26–25.22)

7.00 (2.08–23.58)

7.19 (2.14–24.17)

p value






  1. Model 1: Adjusted for sex and age
  2. Model 2: Adjusted for covariates included in Model 1 + clinical parameters (BMI, COVID-19 severity, CRP level, and history of heart failure, malignancy or psychiatric disease)
  3. Model 3: Adjusted for covariates included in Model 2 + therapeutic factors (use of remdesivir, steroid, and mechanical ventilation)
  4. Model 4: Adjusted for covariates (sex, BMI, history of psychiatric disease, use of steroid and mechanical ventilation) that were chosen by backward elimination of the covariates in Model 3