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Table 1 Descriptive statistics

From: Association of psychosocial factors with physical activity among Japanese adults aged 65 and older: a 6-year repeated cross-sectional study from the Nakanojo Study


N = 319

Age at baseline (in years)


 Mean (SD)

75.17 (4.74)

 Median (IQR)

75.00 (6)

Sex, N (%)



159 (49.8)


160 (50.2)

Smoking status, N (%)


 Smokes or smoked in the past

75 (23.5)

 Does not smoke

238 (74.6)


6 (1.9)

Alcohol, N (%)


 Drinks almost everyday

72 (22.6)

 Drinks occasionally

84 (26.3)

 No or rarely

161 (50.5)


2 (0.6)

Living alone, N (%)



43 (13.5)


271 (85.0)


5 (1.6)

Marital status, N (%)


 Living together

233 (73.0)


6 (1.9)


2 (0.6)

 Spouse deceased

64 (20.1)


14 (4.4)

BMI, kg/m2


 Mean (SD)

22.73 (2.73)

 Median (IQR)

22.64 (3.74)



 Mean (SD)

71.28 (18.22)

 Median (IQR)

75.00 (18.75)



 Mean (SD)

78.55 (17.56)

 Median (IQR)

85.00 (28.75)

HADS anxiety score


 Mean (SD)

3.96 (3.03)

 Median (IQR)

3.00 (4)

HADS depression score


 Mean (SD)

3.72 (3.29)

 Median (IQR)

3.00 (4)

HADS total score


 Mean (SD)

7.56 (5.68)

 Median (IQR)

6.00 (8)

  1. BMI, body mass index; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; IQR, interquartile range; SD, standard deviation; NA, not available