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Table 3 Percentage distribution (percentage of adults affected less than once a month or more) and mean frequency scores (SD) for the eight OIDP items and the OIDP ADD and OIDP SC scores

From: Assessing the validity and reliability of the Malagasy version of Oral Impacts on Daily Performance (OIDP): a cross-sectional study


Yes N (%)

Mean (SD)

Physical performances (45.06%)

 1. Eating and enjoying food

241 (59.8)

1.93 (2.02)

 2. Speaking and pronouncing clearly

152 (37.7)

1.24 (1.85)

 3. Cleaning teeth

152 (37.7)

1.07 (1.68)

Psychological performances (46.43%)

 4. Sleeping and relaxing

161 (40.0)

1.00 (1.49)

 5. Smiling, laughing

154 (61.8)

1.23 (1.81)

 6. Maintaing usual emotional status without being irritable

151 (37.5)

0.92 (1.46)

Social performances (37.8%)

 7. Carrying out major work or social role

157 (38.9)

0.86 (1.32)

 8. Enjoying contact with people

148 (36.7)

0.90 (1.41)

OIDP SC total scores

298 (73.9)

3.27 (2.95)

OIDP ADD scores


9.14 (9.55)