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Table 2 Correlations between engagement days and the other variables

From: Differences in the presentation of COVID-19-related psychosocial stress and general psychological distress and the relation between the number of care days and these symptoms among Japanese ward staff working exclusively with COVID-19 and support staff


Engagement days

Group A (n = 21)

Group B (n = 46)


rs = .065

rs = .296

p = .778

p = .046

TMDP- psychological

rs = -.107

rs = -.002

p = .643

p = .989


rs = .246

rs = .456**

p = .283

P < .001


rs = .350

rs = .010

p = .119

p = .948

  1. The data are shown as R-values (correlation coefficient; rs) and significance levels (*p < 0.0125, ** p < 0.0025)
  2. Group A worked exclusively in Covid-19 wards and Group B temporarily