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Table 1 Instruments Used to Evaluate the Psychosocial Variables Associated with Anxiety in Family Caregivers

From: Factors associated with anxiety in family caregivers of children with chronic diseases


Author (year)

Number of items/response options



1. A Sociodemographic Variables Questionnaire (Q-SV)

Toledano-Toledano et al. [24]

20 items

Demographics, Medical, Family, and Sociocultural


2.Beck Anxiety Inventory

Beck et al. [51]. Validated in a Mexican population by Robles et al. [53]

21/0 to 3

Subjective, Autonomic, Panic


3.Scale of Personal Agency and Empowerment

Pick et al. [58]

42/1 (Never) to 4 (Always)

Personal Agency and Empowerment


4.Quality of Life Inventory (Whoqol-Bref)

WHOQOL Group [59]. González-Celis and Sánchez-Sosa [60]

26/1 (Very dissatisfied) to 5 (Very satisfied)

Physical Health, Psychological Health, Social Relationships, and Environment


5.Zarit Burden Interview

Zarit and Zarit [61]. Validated in a Mexican population by Alpuche et al. [62]

22/0 (Never) to 4 (Always)

Impact of Care on the Caregiver, Caregiver-Patient Interpersonal Relationship, and Self-Efficacy Expectations


6.Beck Depression Inventory - II

Beck et al. [63] Validated in family caregivers of children with chronic diseases by Toledano-Toledano and Contreras-Valdez [49]


Affective, Cognitive, Somatic


7.Coping Style Scale

Folkman and Lazarus [64] Validated in a Mexican population by Zavala et al. [65]

20/0 (Not at all) to 3 (Always or to a large degree)

Evasive Coping, Positive Reevaluation, Distancing, Denial, and Cognitive Analysis


8.Scale of Attachment Styles

Márquez et al. [66]

21/1 (Totally disagree) to 5 (Totally agree)

Avoidant, Secure, and Anxious


9.Parental Stress Scale

Oronoz et al. [67]

17/1 (Totally disagree) to 5 (Totally agree)

Stressors and Rewards


10.Evaluation of Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Optimism

Rose et al. [68]

9/1 (Totally disagree) to 4 (Totally agree)

Self-Efficacy and Optimism/Pessimism


11.Familism Scale

Lugo and Contreras [69]

18/1 (Totally disagree) to 5 (Totally agree)

Family Support, Family Interconnectedness, Family Honor, and Self-Subjugation to the Family


12.Well-Being Index of the World Health Organization Scale

Bech et al. [70]

10/0 (Never) to 3 (All of the time)

Emotional Well-being


13.Historic-Psycho-Socio-Cultural-Premises Scale (HSCPs).

Díaz-Guerrero [71]

33/1 (No, I do not agree) and 2 (Yes, I agree)

Traditional Family and Family in Transition


14.Resilience Scale

Palomar-and Gómez [72] Validated in family caregivers of children with chronic diseases by Toledano-Toledano et al. [23]

43/1 (Totally disagree) to 4 (Totally agree)

Strength and Self-confidence, Social Competence, Family Support, Social Support and Structure
