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Archived Comments for: Profile of mood states and stress-related biochemical indices in long-term yoga practitioners

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  1. Correction

    Kazufumi Yoshihara, National Institute for Physiological Sciences

    29 June 2011

    The authors would like to apologize for the following error in the reference list of their manuscript.

    The reference number 6:
    "Luebbert K, Dahme B, Hasenbring M: The effectiveness of relaxation training in reducing treatment-related symptoms and improving emotional adjustment in acute non-surgical cancer treatment: a meta-analytical review. Psychooncology 2001, 10:490-502."
    should be replaced by
    "Vadiraja SH, Rao MR, Nagendra RH, Nagarathna R, Rekha M, Vanitha N, Gopinath SK, Srinath B, Vishweshwara M, Madhavi Y, S Ajaikumar B, Ramesh SB, Rao N: Effects of yoga on symptom management in breast cancer patients: A randomized controlled trial. Int J Yoga 2009, 2:73-79."

    Competing interests

    None declared
